Darbecca found a few minor faults with the slab foundation, most of which were rectified at the time. I'm happy with the report, though from speaking to our site supervisor, I'm half-sure he would have noticed and rectified the faults anyway. I'm torn between wanting to cover all bases, and paying for the extra set of eyes on our build, and just using that $$$ for an outdoor dining table. Haha.
We'll employ Darbecca for a frame/slab inspection but pending the results of that inspection (i.e. if they find a lot of faults) we'll decide whether to continue using their services. I'd still recommend them to anyone who wants that extra piece of mind - their reports are quite comprehensive.
PD already provide a third-party inspector at 3 stages of our build. I can't help but feel Darbecca is a tad overkill, but again, we're just naive first-time home builders...
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